This weather lately has been crazy. One day it's so hot you can't stand it, the next it's cloudy and nice. Then it's sunny and nice and then it's cloudy and hot. I'm so confused. I think my cough is too. I'm not sick but I can't get this dadgum cough to go away. I've had it almost a month. A few years ago someone made me take a shot of whiskey and it cleared it up. I'm almost that desperate right now. I must also admit that shot knocked me on my butt and I slept for 10 hours straight. #lightweight
Anyway with the thought that fall is coming, but it is still in fact summer, why not enjoy a fun treat right now... one that makes you think of fall but really screams summer. What is this treat you ask? Well a Frrrozen Hot Chocolate, duh! Um... that might be an oxymoron but it's oh so good you can just easily overlook that fact!
Back when I was in college the movie Serendipity came out. Does that make me old? Anyway, if you've not seen it, so the scene I'm referring to. It starts out with them in a department store, they try to buy the same pair of gloves. Then one has to take the other out for a treat since he lets her buy the gloves. They wind up at the restaurant Serendipity and they have the famous Frrrozen Hot Chocolate.
Jump forward a few years (the movie came out in 2001) to 2005 and I got to go to NYC. That trip rocked btw, Thanks MOM!!!! Anyway one of the things I wanted to do on our trip was visit Serendipity. I can tell you that you NEED reservations. Anyway the drink is so friggin awesome, that I went on the hunt for a recipe. This was before people went to the internet for EVERYTHING. Anyway, I found the "Serendipity" cookbook and guess what, it had the recipe I needed/wanted! Score!
I fixed the drink, it's flippin awesome, Mark and I love it. That's all!
Frrrozen Hot Chocolate (via Sweet Serendipity)
6 Half-oz pieces of Chocolate (your fave)
2 tsp Store bought hot chocolate mix
1 1/2 tbsp sugar
1 1/2 c milk
3 c ice
Whipped Cream
Chocolate Shavings
Chop the chocolate into small pieces, place it in the top of a double boiler over simmering water, stirring occasionally until melted.
Add the hot chocolate mix and sugar, stirring constantly until thoroughly blended.
Remove from heat and slowly add 1/2 cup milk and stir until smooth.
Cool to room temperature.
In a blender place the remaining cup of milk, the chocolate mixture, and the ice.
Blend on high speed until smooth and consistency of a frozen daiquiri.
Pour into a giant goblet and top with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.
Enjoy with a spoon or a straw --> or both!
Trust me, this should be on your summer bucket list. You have a few more days of summer left so hop to it!

Labels: Cookbook, Dessert, Drinks, Food, History, Recipe, Snack, Summer