Today is my 33rd birthday. I'm struggling with that number. While I'm happy that I am on this side of the ground, I've always heard that your 30's are better than your 20's. I mentioned that to my dad yesterday morning and he said it's all in perspective. Perspective... Okay. Well if it is about perspective, I'm going to make 33 goals for this year. I did a 101 in 1001 project once upon a time. 1001 days is a little longer than a year (as in 2.75 years) and I wanted something a little more specific to my 33rd year
Item Started Completed
- Try a new restaurant, average 1 a month for the year (4/12 new restaurants)
- Find new local owned restaurants in Joplin.
- Explore Route 66 in this area.
- Travel to 8 states. (6/8) (KY, IL, KS, OK, TX, AR)
- Get this blog up and running.
- Have 250 followers on my Blog Facebook Page. (60/250)
Sell our Home.
- Build a New home (or at least start on one whether build from scratch or buy)
- Complete my branding and portfolio.
- Find a job.
- Become a travel blogger (sometimes if you can't dream big).
Pay off my car.
- Go strawberry picking.
- Enter a photo contest.
- Complete another 365 project.
- Try new food.
- Get published.
- Write a book.
- Stay the night in a new hotel.
- Visit the haunted hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
Go SCUBA diving on a group trip that isn't the lake.
- Help with the 2017 Trails for Kids.
- Pay off debt, become debt free if possible.
- Attend a horse race.
- Attend the BI in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Attend the 2016 NCHA Futurity in Ft. Worth, Texas.
- Kayak the strip mines in Southeast Kansas.
- Work with companies to promote their product.
- Have this blog acknowledged on a higher level.
- Show at NCHA Day
- Use a gift certificate I won to ride with horse trainer Cara Brewer.
- Be willing to say "Yes."
- Live life to the fullest.

Labels: Me, Summer